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Please be advised all products in your shopping bag will be removed after changing your location.
There are no recommended keywords.
Pay for shipping charge
Payment when ordering
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Returns & Exchanges within 7 days
You can receive an exchange/return within 7 days of the product receipt date.
For more information, visit [CUSTOMER SERVICE - Returns]
Global standard delivery
International delivery can take up to 10 business days from the date of order to receive the product.
Shipping charge are calculated automatically and depend on the location where you order.
Order Cancellation & Change of Option
Order cancellation or change of options (delivery address, options) can be made before 11 AM (UTC+9) by the next business day from the purchase date.
We have introduced a new HIDDEN TAG system starting with 20FALL season products for activation. The official OIOICOLLECTION certified product has hidden tag stickers attached to the hangtag or care label.